氏名 | CLAUSEN Daniel / クラウゼン ダニエル |
所属 | 外国語学部現代英語学科 |
職名 | 特別任用講師 |
専門分野 | 国際関係・英語学 |
- Bachelor’s Degree in English, University of Miami, Miami, Florida, 2004
- Master’s Degree in International Studies, Florida International University, Miami, Florida, 2011
- PhD in International Relations, Florida International University, Miami, Florida, 2013
My research interests include International Relations, city diplomacy, English language education, and literature.
I have contributed to many publications, including e-International Relations, The Diplomatic Courier, EFL Magazine, The Korean Journal of International Studies, The Higher Education Interest Section, and East Asia Forum.
I am also a devoted fiction writer and have published in print and online literary magazines such as Crack the Spine, Aphelion Science Fiction, Slipstream, Yellow Mama, among others.
I have recently finished a novel entitled “Statues in the Cloud.” You can watch a short video about the novel here.
You can learn more about my fiction writing on my Goodreads profile here.
Statues in the Cloud: A Novel (2024)
・Amazon Link here
・Goodreads Link here
The Ghosts of Nagasaki: A Novel (2012).
・Amazon Link here
・Goodreads Link here
- 2024. Identifying and Engaging Authentic Problems: Exploring “Good” Research in the 21st Century. Global Policy Journal. April 4.
⇒Detail - 2024. Reading: An Introduction (for Researchers and Lovers of the Humanities). Global Policy Journal. March 13.
⇒Detail - 2024. The Researcher and the Machines. Global Policy Journal. February 5.
⇒Detail - 2024. Re-Investigating the Politics of the Everyday: A Return to Cynthia Enloe’s Bananas, Beaches, and Bases. Global Policy Journal. January 18.
⇒Detail - 2023. The Failure of the “Subject Supposed to Know”: An Analysis of Feather on the Breath of God. The Journal of Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies. Volume 27 (December). 41-47.
- (with Max Brooks). 2023. New Frontiers for the Use of Games in Language Learning: Using Three Games to Explore the Impact of Games on Learning. The Journal of Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies. Volume 27 (December). 1-11.
- (with Christophe Meyer and Stephen Cullis). 2023. City Diplomacy: Exploring Themes in the Scholarly Literature (Research Note). Shin-Nagasakigaku Kenkyu Kiyou. Volume 3. Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies. p.145 -156
⇒Detail - (with Christophe Meyer and Stephen Cullis). 2023. The Global Relations of Cities in Nagasaki Prefecture: A Survey of 10 Cities. Shin-Nagasakigaku Kenkyu Kiyou. Volume 3. Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies. p.3 – 22
⇒Detail - 2023. Book Review – Solved: How the World’s Great Cities are Fixing the Climate Crisis. Global Policy Journal. April 7.
⇒Detail - 2023. Handcrafted Learning: Making Textbooks with Google Slides. HEIS News: The Newsletter of the Higher Education Interest Section (TESOL). (March).
- 2023. The Happiness Game: A Board Game for Almost Any Classroom. English Teaching Forum. United States State Department. Bureau of Cultural and Educational Affairs. (March): 44-48.
⇒Detail - 2022. City Diplomacy in New Mexico, USA: Investigating the Global Relations of Small and Medium-Sized Cities. The Journal of Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies. Volume 26 (December). 1-12
⇒Detail - 2022. City Diplomacy: Perspectives from Japan. Global Policy Journal. May 23
⇒Detail - 2022. City Diplomacy: The Case for Eclectic (and Humble) Theorizing. e-International Relations. May 15.
⇒Detail - 2022. City Diplomacy: Past, Present, and Future. Global Policy Journal. May 3.
- (with Christophe Meyer and Stephen Cullis). 2022. Exploring City Diplomacy through the Case of Nagasaki Japan. (Research Note). Shin-Nagasakigaku Kenkyu Kiyou. Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies. p. 165-174.
⇒Detail - 2022. World Security in the 21st Century: Re-Evaluating Booth’s Approach to Critical Security Studies. e-International Relations. March 11.
⇒Detail - 2022. Being Realistic about IR’s Realism. Global Policy Journal. February 28.
⇒Detail - 2022. Getting the Most Out of Mixed-Level Classes: Using a Local Improvement Project. AL Forum: The Newsletter of the Applied Linguistics Section. (TESOL). (February).
- 2022. I, Human – What Role for Human Teachers in a Tech-Driven World? HEIS News: The Newsletter of the Higher Education Interest Section (TESOL). (February).
- (with Christophe Meyer and Stephen Cullis). 2022. Nagasaki’s global city diplomacy. East Asia Forum. January 5.
⇒Detail - 2021. Depictions of the Seminole Indians in Early 20th Century Florida Everglades Adventure Literature. The Journal of Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies. Volume 25 (December). 1-10.
⇒Detail - 2021.The Future of English Language Teaching is Liberal Arts. EFL Magazine: The Magazine for English Language Teachers. September 15.
⇒Detail - 2021. Shall We Destroy the Teacher? What English Language Teachers Can Teach IR About Pedagogy. e-International Relations. May 9.
⇒Detail - 2021. Book Review: In Defense of Liberal Education. HEIS News: The Newsletter of the Higher Education Interest Section (TESOL). March.
- 2019. Madness as Strategy: The Joker in International Relations. Diplomatic Courier. September 8.
⇒Detail - 2019. “No Idea but in Things” – Ideas for Crafting (Evocative) Theory. Journal of Alternative Perspectives in the Social Sciences. 5:2. (April): 162-169.
⇒Detail - 2019. Getting the Most out of Class Discussion. e-International Relations. April 8.
⇒Detail - 2019. Our Cyberpunk Present, Our Cyberpunk Future: What We can Learn from Neal Stephenson’s Snow Crash. Diplomatic Courier. April 8.
⇒Detail - 2018. Making Lectures Comprehensible for English Language Learners. HEIS News: The Newsletter of the Higher Education Interest Section (TESOL). March.
- 2017. Seeing Beyond the Errors: Dealing with the Writing of English Language Learners. HEIS News: The Newsletter of the Higher Education Interest Section (TESOL). October 26.
- 2017. The Weird and Wonderful Virtues of Human Geography. e-International Relations. October 14.
⇒Detail - 2017. Why IR Scholars Should Try to Write Fiction. e-International Relations. September 17.
⇒Detail - 2017. How to Stay Grounded in the Age of Information Overload. IR Theory and Practice. e-International Relations. April 30.
⇒Detail - 2017. 40+ Essential Resources for Your Teaching Library. EFL Magazine: The Magazine for English Language Teachers. April 7.
⇒Detail - 2017. Board Games in the Business Classroom: How to Play “Business Decisions.” English Teaching Forum. United States State Department. Bureau of Cultural and Educational Affairs. (March): 32-35.
⇒Detail - 2017. Old Dogs, New Tricks: Introducing New Teaching Methods to Experienced Teachers. The Newsletter of the Teacher Education Interest Section. (March).
- 2017. Towards a “Challenge-Driven” International Relations Education? Global Policy. January 4.
⇒Detail - 2016. Preaching the Craft of Reading. Ivory Tower Blog. e-International Relations. July 27.
⇒Detail - 2016. Why Experts Should Make Messy Predictions (or How to Stop Thinking Straight). The Diplomatic Courier. July 7.
⇒Detail - 2016. (with Max Nurnus). Tales of a Not-So-International Discipline: The Past and Future of IR Scholarship. The Diplomatic Courier. February 8.
⇒Detail - 2016. Crude Thinking — 7 Ways of Dealing with the Complex in IR. e-International Relations. January 29.
⇒Detail - 2015. (with Max Nurnus). Situating Knowledge about North Korea: Tracing Mainstream Publications on a Topic in International Relations. The Korean Journal of International Relations 13:3: 461-482.
⇒Detail - 2015. (with Yoshiko Yamada). Risk Management, Disaster Diplomacy, and the Struggle for National Identity. Risk State: Japan’s Foreign Policy Processes in an Era of Uncertainty. Ashgate Publishing.
- 2015. The Hazards and Promise of Remembering: Commemorating and Memorializing the Atomic Bomb in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Electronic Journal of Contemporary Japanese Studies. April 19.
⇒Detail - 2015. (with Max Nurnus). Obama, Grand Strategy and Reinhold Niebuhr. The Diplomat. March 24.
⇒Detail - 2014. Leadership, Competitive Strategy, and Entrepreneurship in International Relations e-International Relations. October 24.
⇒Detail - 2013. Japan’s Persistent Pacifism. East Asia Forum. October 24.
⇒Detail - 2013. (with Michael Clausen). Conceptualizing Climate Security for a Warming World: Complexity and the Environment-Conflict Linkage. Fast Changing Arctic: Defense and Security in a Warming World: University of Calgary Press: 37-49.
⇒Detail - 2009. Japan and Human Security: A Powerful Discourse or a Useful Coping Mechanism? Electronic Journal of Contemporary Japanese Studies. Discussion Paper 3. 31 October.